In this area, we develop personal and digital security systems that support sensitive organizations and infrastructures that trust us to help them in their mission. We are also developing, with no announced launch date, a skydiving and parachute simulator for military forces that enhances the immersion experience and the cognitive and physical realism to nonexistent levels.
Physical Security
In this area, stands out the physical security software that fully controls the entry and exit of people in spaces and buildings - the Praetorian System that ensures 24/7 the registration and control of all individuals who access a certain controlled space. This is the security system that has been installed since 2010 at the Presidential Palace of Belem, in Lisbon.
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Digital Security
In this area we develop highly sophisticated digital signature systems for individuals and organizations, using the most advanced encryption and digital certification algorithms. These systems are developed according to the needs of each client, with the specifications appropriate to the situation at hand.
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SimPaq is a parachute simulator under development that integrates the real, human and sensory experience of natural elements, through the application of the physics involved (gravity, wind, light, fog, temperature, air displacement and rain) and the elements and conditions of the required equipment, which involve these types of experiences. It physically integrates a portico and the appropriate real equipment, for the simulation of parachute jumps, in low or high altitude, as in real context. From the mechanical part to the scenario, the experience is lived in virtual and augmented reality. SimPaq is a parachute simulator for the Military Forces, intended for training specialized military personnel.
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